Passive Fire Protection

Mon - Fri 08.30 - 17.30

Office Hours


01243 826876

Our Partners

Fire and Safety Works are accredited partners of health and safety organisation as well as fire door regulation bodies of the UK.

Envirograf Products

Accredited partner of Envirograf fire door and fire stopping products.


Our installation and survey team are accredited by Bluesky Certification.


Silver member of the trusted directory of pre-qualified UK construction contractors and consultants, owned and endorsed by the Department of Trade and Industry.

HS Direct

Our installation and survey team are accredited by HS Direct, the nationally recognised body for Health and Safety.

Fire Door Installation Scheme

Fire Door Inspection Scheme

Member of the Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS). Initially launched as a joint venture by the British Woodworking Federation (BWF) and the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI) in 2012.


UKAS Accredited ISO Certification and CQI IRCA approved Training provider


Fire & Safety Works provides passive fire protection solutions to all sectors.

We are the only company in the UK to be certified under the BlueSky Certification schemes for the following; Fire Door Installation, Fire Door
Maintenance and Fire Stopping Services along with Fire Door Inspections

Our experience means we give our clients the assurance that their buildings are compliant and fire safe. We also provide advice on installation and maintenance of all fire safety products.

As an established passive fire protection company, we’ve provided fire stopping solutions for an extensive range of industries  and building types.

Our key areas include central and greater London, it’s surrounding counties, and the south coast of England.

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed